All Categories - Rose Brucia Educational Foundation
February 1, 2025 ·
Antonio Vivaldi composed the enduring Four Seasons over three hundred years ago. Many of us have...
June 6, 2024 ·
1939: Moviegoers flocked to the theaters to see the adventures of adolescent Dorothy Gale in...
January 31, 2024 ·
It is difficult to believe it is almost twenty years since the murder of Carlie Brucia. Details...
October 30, 2023 ·
It's Halloween again! Our children's favorite day to dress up as their favorite character and...
According to the Yale Journal of Medicine Autumn 2015 issue, memories “are a series of links...
March 9, 2022 ·
If I asked my peers to repeat Dragnet’s Sergeant Joe Friday’s signature phrase, they would say, ...
February 1, 2022
A calendar is attached to our refrigerator. You know the kind, one that flips monthly, a picture...
What a World! The newspapers have far too many pages dedicated to obituaries. As the pandemic...
There was a time when a song by the Rolling Stones, Start me up!, could encapsulate the annual...
Life teaches hard lessons to the old and the young. Yesterday, my wife and I probably took for...
In days past, as I was sitting in the darkened movie theater, I watched and listened as the...
It’s easier to let down your guard when the world is going at a merry pace, as the race towards...
In 1967 The Troggs sang, I feel it in my fingers. I feel it in my toes. In 1969 BJ Thomas sang he...
I am of an age that my first reading lessons involved the funnies or comics in various New York...
Luddite : noun, a person opposed to new technology or ways of working. Lurker: noun, a person...
Questions are posed by students that never fail to amaze me: Is this on the test? Why do I have...
Just the other day, September 18th, Matt and I presented two sessions to students an elementary...
My college aged granddaughter and her friends love horror/thriller movies. The scarier the better...
First period, Earth Science Regents, immediately after the bell sounding the beginning of class,...
David J. Liberman, PhD, in his book, You Can Read Anyone, calls memory an anchor, an association...