We aren’t sure if you have noticed, but attempted abductions are increasing at a scary rate! There is an extraordinary need for parents, teachers and family members to repeatedly review basic life-saving techniques that can place stranger safety awareness at the forefront of their children’s minds. If you haven’t done so already, please consider viewing the attached video, “What’s The Secret Word?” with your children. It is also a great reinforcement tool to role-play with your child (pretend you are at the store – point out who would be a safe person; point out where the cashier is standing; what they are wearing to distinguish them from the regular customers; speak about not leaving the store under any condition, etc).
The Rose Brucia Educational Foundation’s goal is to reduce the number of child abductions in the U.S. by educating and empowering young minds with the knowledge necessary to avoid abduction. Utilizing puppets and a formalized educational curriculum, the foundation provides elementary-aged children with the Stranger Safety Awareness Program, free of charge. Please visit our free curriculum page to download each video complete with it’s own lesson plan.
Join us in our mission; “Working to reduce child abductions”.